We Provide Excellent Concrete Cutting Services

Walsh Concrete Cutting Specialists in Salt Lake City, UT, provides various concrete cutting services, including wall sawing and core drilling. While we provide excellent general concrete-cutting services, our wall sawing and core drilling are equally valuable. Wall sawing ensures the concrete in your remodeling or renovation project is cut cleanly and precisely so you get the accuracy your project needs. Core drilling creates evenly spaced holes in concrete that allow for utilities to be installed and enables anchors for other systems to stay attached to the wall. If you need wall sawing or core drilling services, Walsh Concrete Cutting Specialists ensures you get the best.

Man Dividing Tiles | Salt Lake City, UT | Walsh Concrete Cutting Specialists

Wall Sawing Services

Wall sawing is used to create precision cuts when creating various things during construction. Wall sawing can create openings to allow for new windows or doors to be added. Wall sawing lets you modify an existing wall to create room for new features or half walls.

Slicing Brick | Salt Lake City, UT | Walsh Concrete Cutting Specialists

Core Drilling Services

Core drilling is a handy way to make room for vital elements like wiring, piping, and other utilities in your construction project. Core drilling creates space for ductwork and anchoring systems like bolts and dowels, ensuring your structure is strong and secure.

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Call 801-975-6400 now – we can help with any job big or small.

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